Monday, February 26, 2007

The beleaguered forces of the Empire have been defeated again and again as they struggle to recover from the retreat of the Elector Count of Stirland back to the Empire. Despite the church of Sigmar rousing the peasants to battle, the men have been forced into the retreat.

The Dark Elves, now controlling almost the entire coast line have begun their push inland, looking to encircle and then attack Fort Kom, perhaps to use it as a base of operations for further invasion. After a ferocious battle the village of Mortsen was wiped out by the Dark Elves, and the forces of Kom are looking to Freihafen for aid, but with the forces of Slaanesh so close to Freihafen the Imperials can not afford such loses.

The Dark Elves have also forced the High Elves into retreat, cutting off their access to the mouth of the Tana Dante. The Elves blundered into Imperial lands and saw off the defenders there, pushing their territory inland.

Meanwhile the Wood Elves of Caledonia have had revenge upon the Dwarfs that defended Lestanne only a week ago. The Dwarven outpost under construction by the Barak Varr expeditionary force was attacked before building work has even begun. The surprised Dwarfs mounted a brief defense but were overpowered. The Wood Elves are sure to look to attack Lestanne again.

Elswhere the Wood Elves defended their forest against a Dark Elf raiding party that had sailed up the Tana Dante. The Dark Elves were wiped out to an Elf, perhaps warning them off entering too far in land before securing their southern outposts.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Lestanne Holds!

In a dramatic turn of events the Bretonnian forces have taken to the field again to defend the city of Lestanne from the encroaching Wood Elves. The Bretonnians had desperately called for aid only weeks ago and this was answered by a Dwarven force, setting aside any grudges they may have with the humans. It is obvious that their hatred of the Elves was the reason the Dwarves were willing to send their troops to help the city.

The combined forces of Dwarfs and men prepared for attack, loading their war machines with flaming ammunition to destroy the creatures of the forest. As battle was joined on the edge of the encroaching woods the Dwarfs poured their missile fire into the approaching Elven forces, before the Knights of Bretonnia charged forwards. The combined might of the alliance proved too much for the Elves, and those that were not curshed beneath the Bretonnian hooves scattered back to their forest. The men and Dwarfs immediately set the edges of the woods ablaze, a fire which will rage for days.

The Elves has sworn revenge, and who knows whether the unforseen alliance between the Dwarfs and Bretonnians will hold.

Elsewhere in the Border Princes the Dwarfs have faired less well. A raiding attack from Dark Elves has cut off the supply route from Barak Varr to the Boder Princes. The prince of Somjek, a city whose port is now surrounded by the Elves, has called for the Dwarfs to retake the road immediately.

The battle between the princes of Kassos and Thessos continues, with foreign warriors from far off lands clashing with the Thessos militia. Neither side would concede ground to the over and the situation remains a stalemate. It is believe the prince of Kassos is questioning the wisdom of hiring these mercenaries, and will be renegotiating their pay.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Quick Warhammer Scenery Generator

For a 6” by 4” table, divide the battlefield into 6 2” by 2” squares.

Both players roll a D6. Starting with the player who rolled highest, take it in turns to chose a different square and roll on the following table.

1 - Nothing
2 - Nothing
3 - Hill
4 - Wood (cluster of 4 trees)
5 - D3 Buildings
6 - Something else (not any of the above)

The player who chose the square selects the appropriate terrain piece and places it in the middle of the square. In the case of multiple buildings spread them out however you want around the centre of the square.

Then roll a Scatter Dice and move the piece (or pieces) 2D6 in the direction shown. In case of a ‘HIT’ result, still move the terrain in the direction of the arrow.

In the case of pieces that have one axis longer than the other (such as a hill or long building) chose an axis then roll the Scatter Dice, orientating the piece along the direction shown.

A player rolling a 6 may chose a river. This may enter from any of the square’s table edges but must end in the same square. Don’t scatter a river.

Remember that certain scenarios may require further terrain (e.g. special features).
Even as the winter frost still thaws, the armies of the Border Princes have clashed.

The lands belonging to the Empire have been under threat. With the Elector returned to Stirland, is has been up to the Church of Sigmar to take control of the fragmented population and sort out the defence of the realm. However it seems the clergy are slow to learn the ways of war. They have been defeated by a force of Slaanesh creatures to the east, and more worryingly by a Wood Elf army who now control part of the northern road from Freihafen. The Phoenix Tower is rumoured to be nearby - do the Wood Elves seek to capture this?

The Wood Elves have continued in their quest to expand the Caledonian over the Border Princes. To the north they have encorached upon Karak Izor, after the massacre of a Dwarf commander unused to the fierce fighting that rages in these lands, and have recently flushed out a Skaven force emerging from hidden tunnels. The Tomb King forces of the Madritte Pyramid are almost entirely surrounded by the expanding forest, but it seems the Elves' first target are the Bretonnians. The city of Lestanne is greatly pressed, and Elven forces are amassing on the ciry borders. The Bretonnians are unsure if they can raise sufficient force, and have sent out a word for aid to anyone who can listen. But will anyone answer their call?

To the south west, the fabled creatures of the Achaes forest are vey much alive and active, raiding numerous villages on the forest's borders and dragging the entire populations back to their lairs. If the beasts and spirits decide to leave their forest and attack the rest of the Border Princes then may Sigmar have mercy on us all!

It seems the Prince of Kassos, whose lands lie perilously close to the Achaes, has recruited his foreign warriors just in time. Arriving in strange ships, somehow avoiding the Dark Elf raiders that patrol most of the cost, the forces have been swift to subjugate some of the villages outlying Kassos - though so far the villages' militia have managed to repulse these attacks in a series of skirmishes. It seems the mercenary warriors can bring more strength to the battlefield - it has been reported that they attacked an Elven envoy and his forces that were bothering the Prince of Kassos. It can only be a matter of time before the prince turns his attentions, and his mercenary army, to the city of Thessos to the north.