Sunday, February 04, 2007

Quick Warhammer Scenery Generator

For a 6” by 4” table, divide the battlefield into 6 2” by 2” squares.

Both players roll a D6. Starting with the player who rolled highest, take it in turns to chose a different square and roll on the following table.

1 - Nothing
2 - Nothing
3 - Hill
4 - Wood (cluster of 4 trees)
5 - D3 Buildings
6 - Something else (not any of the above)

The player who chose the square selects the appropriate terrain piece and places it in the middle of the square. In the case of multiple buildings spread them out however you want around the centre of the square.

Then roll a Scatter Dice and move the piece (or pieces) 2D6 in the direction shown. In case of a ‘HIT’ result, still move the terrain in the direction of the arrow.

In the case of pieces that have one axis longer than the other (such as a hill or long building) chose an axis then roll the Scatter Dice, orientating the piece along the direction shown.

A player rolling a 6 may chose a river. This may enter from any of the square’s table edges but must end in the same square. Don’t scatter a river.

Remember that certain scenarios may require further terrain (e.g. special features).


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