Sunday, October 12, 2008

Rejoice! A time of Chaos is upon us!
The rate at which tears are appearing in the fabric of space time has escalated alarmingly. Daemonic assaults have been reported all over the Border Princes, from west to east. Only the virtuous knights of Bretonnia have so far succeeded in repulsing their intrusion without severe loss and even they have been suffering from the ravages of bands of mortal Chaos worshippers, raiding out of the vaults. In the east the unquiet dead stir once more, spewing out from the dungeons underneath the Black Tower and probing into the populated lands nearby.

Something, somewhere within the Border Princes is weakening the materium and allowing raw magical energy to permeate the region. If it is not located and dealt with soon it could result in a total collapse of the barrier between the warp and real space.


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