Monday, October 09, 2006

Further to my previous discourse, my Lord, I present further descriptions of a number of locations to be found in the Border Princes.

The Crippled Hills & The Lakes of the Lady - The Crippled Hills are called such after the strange rock formations and unusually shaped hills that have lead some to remark that the land itself were crippled. It should be noted that the Lakes of the Lady are not to be confused with Bretonnian folklore relating to ‘The Lady of the Lake’. They actually received their name when, years ago, the Lord of the State of Darstadt gave the lakes in his realm to his lady wife as a marriage present. Sadly, on her first boating trip across one of the lakes the boat capsized and she drowned. Whilst both areas used to be part of Darstadt they are now under control of The Slaanesh of Lord Tragen, and the depleted human state struggles to keep back the forces of Chaos.

Madritte - Once the capital of the Bretonnian lands in the Border Princes, and an important trading partner with Freihafen and Karak Izor, Madritte fell to the forces of darkness in campaigns over a year ago. Now it is controlled by the forces of the Tomb Kings, who are rebuilding it to be the capital of their new empire. Using the captured Bretonianns as slaves the Tomb Princes have almost completed construction of a mighty pyramid designed to focus magical energies. The Dwarfs of Karak Izor and the Caledonian Elves are gaining territory close by, and only they may be able to halt the evil plans of the Hierophants, though it remains to be seen whether they can put their differences aside and fight their common foe.

Tombs of Cairnos - To those who do not know what they are looking at, the Tombs appear to be nothing more than a small hill range. However venturing into the lands, one can find stone doorways set into the slopes, entrances to the barrows of ancient armies. These have been left undisturbed by the men of the Border Princes, for a great doom would surely come upon those who opened them. Only one name has filtered down through the aeons, kept alive in the histories of the folk of the area. That name is Cairnos, the leader of the great army, though whether a good or evil man no-one is sure.

Castle Vendrack - Once this was one of four large settlements owned by the Bretonnian colonists in the Border princes. On the edge of the Blighted Wastes, Vendrack was built as a mighty fortress both as a defence against the things that lurked amongst the Wastes, and as a base from which excursions could venture to explore the ruins of Camargh. Following one such undertaking it is believed an ancient artefact was recovered and returned to Vendrack. When the ruler of the Border Prince Bretonnians demanded the artefact handed over the lords of Vendrack refused and severed their contact with the other cities. Forces from Lestanne (to the North) and Fort Crespe (to the South) amrched to Vendrack, but were repelled by unexpected forces - those of the Undead. The Lords of Vendrack revealed themselves as Vampires, and so far have resisted the Bretonnians, in part due to an unholy alliance with the Tomb Kings of the Blighted Wastes.

Fort Kom - The Imperials of the Border Princes, during their time under the Elector Count of Stirland, located a ruined castle close to the south coast, guarding the entrance to the river Dar. The nearby villagers knew it as Kom’s Citadel, and the Imperials set to rebuilding it as well as subjugating the locals. This was possibly in part to gain some influence over Dartsadt which lies up river, but mostly to start a trading post with access to the Black Gulf. Rebuilding work never got past two of the castle’s towers as constant pressure from Dark Elf raiders slowed construction. The fickle Elector Count grew tired of the slow progress and, distracted with goings on around Freihafen, ceased building aid to what was now named Fort Kom. The Empire still hold the fort and some of the surrounding area, and have so far been successful in holding it against the Druchii.

Arnatos - To the west of area I am describing stands the city of Arnatos, one of the independent states that gives the Border Princes its name. Arnatos controls the Shining Hills, so named for their large silver deposits, as well as deep veins of iron ore. This has lead Arnatos to become a rich nation, and once an important trading partner with the Bretonnians. However since the vampires of Castle Vendrack revealed themselves the prince of Arnatos has cut ties with the Bretonianns, believing them all infested by the vampiric curse. Arnatos’ silver has been sent further west, sending for mercenaries from Tilea and beyond to protect the city from the encroaching undead.

The Black Tower - Far to the east of the Border Princes, where the area meets the Desolate Plains, stands a stark black tower, which has been given a rather unimaginative name. It is unknown when this was built, though it appears to be very ancient. Also unknown is who occupies it, though scouts have reported movement and lights around the building. It is rumoured that the prince of the city-state of Somjek is in contact with the dark masters of the Black Tower, though we have no proof of this.

I have covered many of the locations now. In further writings I shall discuss recent events, and if time permits shall relate to you the events surrounding of the great battle of Camargh.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

My Lord,

You have requested information upon the region known as The Border Princes. I will keep you informed as best I can, though the multitude of forces at work here make this a complex process. Where to begin? Perhaps a quick doscourse on some of the locations? Please be aware this is only a small selection of the places in the Border Princes. I will attempt to bring you more information when my reearch uncovers it, as well as details of the armies that control the region. That certainly will be a difficult and dangerous task, for I fear even Freihafen, the Imperial Jewel in the Border Princes, is less than safe. But I digress! Here is a selection of information:

Caledonian Forest - Once a small deciduous woodland area, home to a small Wood Elf community. Now the Caledonian has expanded rapidly, with reports from the Brettonians of Lestanne that whole swathes of forest having grown up overnight. Certainly the aggressive attacks by the Caledonian Elves suggest a rapid expansion of the Elven community itself - and that forest spirits are appearing in droves. Perhaps the forest itself is reacting violently to the evil that blights the Border Princes, and wishes to reclaim the lands for itself. The Cadledonian now presses against the territories of the Tomb Kings and their Vampiric allies, and the dead are struggling to keep back the trees. To the east, the Caledonian meets the pines of the Tzaan Forest, infested with Beastmen worshipping the Lord of Change.

The Blighted Wastes - Now a dead place, centuries ago the wastes were once fertile fields. But they were also the location of a titanic battle between good and evil. The details of the conflict are lost to human history, but it is believed the forces of good destroyed those of evil, but at a horrific cost of life. The lands are now cursed, though the Caledonian Elves seem intent on replacing the wastes with trees. Whether they will succeed is unknown, as the Wastes are now crawling with the undead.

Camargh - At the heart of the Blighted Wastes lies Camargh, a city now in ruins. Once it was a thriving human settlement built upon the ruins of an older Elven city. It is said that even the Elves built their settlement upon the ruins of somewhere even older. It seems all settlements on that place were doomed, and Carmargh was ruined long ago. It seems the city still held secrets, and over year ago a great battle took place, though I will save that account for another report. Now Camargh is populated only by the walking dead, for it is controlled by the Liche Priests of the Tomb Kings who send their minions to patrol the Blighted Wastes and beyond.

The Black Gulf - The coast of the Border Princes is now almost entirely under control of the Dark Elves. Only the Lizardmen still defending the Marshes of Matorca and a small High Elf force stop the Druchii completely cutting off the area from sea-borne aid. Without the Lizardmen keeping open the entrance to the Tana Dante river, the Imperial city of Freihafen would be unable to receive supplies. Still it is a difficult route to take, as Dark Elf corsairs constantly patrol the Gulf. It is believed this matter may also attract the attention of the Dwarves of Barak Varr, to the east.

The Phoenix Tower - The men of the Empire know the legendary Elven tower is located somewhere in their territory, north of Freihafen. The Elves abandoned the tower only a year ago, but the structure is still protected by their powerful enchantments, hidden from view despite its size. Why the Elves abandoned it is unknown, as is what secrets they have tried to hide. It is known that a number of artefacts recovered from the ruins of Camargh were once held there. It is known that Chaos forces of both Slaanesh and Tzeentch control lands nearby, and may soon make an attack upon the Imperial territory in an attempt to locate the tower.

Aldwin - In the north-east of the lands sits the beleaguered mountain town of Aldwin. The humans there have largely hidden behind their walls, leaving only to trade with the nearby Dwarven settlement of Karak Ruffdrak. Recently however greenskin activity has increased, with Orcs and Goblins pouring out of the mountains to attack both the Orcs and Dwarves. Whilst the Dwarfs believe they can hold out, trade has had to cease with Aldwin - and food stores are running low for the humans. The Dwarves, loyal to their human allies, hope to beat back the Orc Warlords before it is too late.

Granburg - Over a year ago the men of Granburg proudly controlled the areas around their fair city. But with the coming of Chaos and the city found itself under assault. Despite the aid of Dwarfs and an unexpected appearance by Lizardmen, Granburg fell to the hordes of Slaanesh under Lord Tragen and his Tzeentch allies. Whilst some men and Dwarfs broke out and fled, most were surrounded and slaughtered. The Slaanesh forces themselves, whilst still holding the city, have mostly returned to their territory in the Crippled Hills, Tragen’s rampage complete. Lizardmen and Tzeentch control most of the area around Granburg now, constantly fighting for the upper hand.

The Achaes Forest - Little is known about the huge forest that lies near the south-west coast of the Border Princes. It is said that dark things lurk at its heart, and that the trees themselves become angry at any intrusion. Only one thing is known; South-west of the forest once stood the market town of Achaes, but one day years ago the nearby city of Kassos received word of an attack. Forces were despatched, but they found only ruins, with no sign of any of the Achaes citizens. The ground was trampled, and hundreds of tracks lead into the forest. The men of Kassos did not pursue, but prayed to their gods and returned home. And recently, scouts have reported movement amongst the edges of the forest.

If only that were everything! But in truth I have only glanced upon the surface of the places to see and those to fear. I have not talked on the dreaded Crippled Hills, the fallen Bretonnian city of Madritte, or even the citadel of Freihfan, long may Sigmar protect its walls! Those are matters for another time.

May Shallya watch over you.
Your humble servant,
Simeon Crowe