Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bretonnians Attack Madritte
The crusading knights of Abbot Adnam set forth on a new quest to retake the lost Bretonnian city of Madritte. They managed to reach their target seemingly ignored by the fay folk of the forests only to find the ranks of the undead ready and waiting for them. The Bretonnian knights were devastated by deadly accurate and pre-sighted catapult fire and then thrown back by the ensuing chariot charge. In despair Abbot Adnam realised that he would need more forces if he were to retake this heavily fortified city for Bretonnia and withdrew from the forests.

Lord Valandil Tests New Pets
The beast masters and breeders of house Séregon made their master a new offering of war hydras and other foul creations. Pleased with his new pets, Valandil decided to try them out and to this end attacked an Ogre mercenary encampment that happened to be in the area. Seeing his new monsters rout the mercenaries with ease Valandil declared himself satisfied, stopping only to help himself to the Ogres stash of gold before heading home for tea.

Wood Elves Beset by Foes
The bitter conflict between Beasts and Wood Elves continued as Cernunnos, Lord of Beasts, lead his followers into the low hills and patchy woodland outside the city of Moslac. This was land claimed by the Wood Elves although their beloved forests had not yet taken hold here. The aim of the Beastmen was to take a stone circle located on an important mystical lay line. Using the magic of the ancient monoliths they would corrupt the Elven forests, turning them into dark places of twisted trees and hostile wildlife. But Cernunnos was interrupted in his plans after Waywatchers left to guard the circle alerted they kin and a vicious battle erupted. Made uneasy by the alien magical energies of the stones Cernunnos’ bestial warriors fought poorly and were driven back into the forests, enabling the Elves to strengthen their presence in the region during their brief respite from constant raiding.

But Cernunnos was not content to allow the Elves to enjoy the spoils of their victory and sent an emissary south to the Dark Elven colonies. There an offer was made to Lord Valandil of House Sé regon: help Cernunnos gain the living space he so desired and in return the warriors of chaos would fight on the side of the Dark Elves for possession of Moslac. Later Dark Elves moved their army in force into the region, breaking the Wood Elves’ supremacy and contesting their hold on the area. Whether this was to bargain for the aid of the beasts or for their own advantage was as yet unclear.

Ogres Raid Achaes
Daring Ogre Mercenaries raided the disputed port of Achaes, attempting to make off with ships loaded with weapons and supplies essential for the Elven war effort. Unfortunately for the opportunist Ogres their diversionary attack failed to stop the advance of the disciplined ranks of Elven infantry and the would-be pirates were captured before they could make good their escape.


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