Chapter 1: Dawn of War!
The situation in the Border Princes continued to deteriorate as the melting of the winter snows once more allowed armies to roam freely throughout the region.
The large influx of migrating Beastmen into the Eastern forests pushed the already large population to breaking point. Pressure on food and living space caused hundreds of the foul beasts to move north, spilling into the previously inviolate domain of the Wood Elves. Fiercely protective of their territory, the Elves took up arms against the invaders, but for all their prodigious skill were barely able to hold off the tide. The forests remained unspoiled for now but vicious clashes with Beastmen raiding parties became a daily occurrence. Combined with the intrusion of prospecting Ogre Mercinaries and opportunistic Skaven the introspective Elves found themselves beset by threats on all fronts and barely able to maintain the integrity of their realm.
The situation in the Border Princes continued to deteriorate as the melting of the winter snows once more allowed armies to roam freely throughout the region.
The large influx of migrating Beastmen into the Eastern forests pushed the already large population to breaking point. Pressure on food and living space caused hundreds of the foul beasts to move north, spilling into the previously inviolate domain of the Wood Elves. Fiercely protective of their territory, the Elves took up arms against the invaders, but for all their prodigious skill were barely able to hold off the tide. The forests remained unspoiled for now but vicious clashes with Beastmen raiding parties became a daily occurrence. Combined with the intrusion of prospecting Ogre Mercinaries and opportunistic Skaven the introspective Elves found themselves beset by threats on all fronts and barely able to maintain the integrity of their realm.
With Moslac secured as a base of operations the Alptraum’s struck west, aiming to force a passage to Freihafen and reconnect the vital sea port with the Empire. Their well trained and disciplined army made good progress but the independent city state of Darstadt stood squarely in their way. Refusing all offers of a negotiated surrender the petulant Border Prince ordered his army into the field and drove off the imperialistic Averlanders, availing themselves of the contents of the armies baggage train and fortifying the land around the city against further assaults. Frustrated and humiliated the Alptraums chose to consolidate their gains.
The revival of petty feuds and the depredations of barbaric raiders are meat and drink to mercenaries and several bands were soon plying their trade in the region. For a handsome fee from the city of Mortensholm the princedom of Kassos set its feared Nipponese fighters into the Black Mountains to clear them of Orcs. The canny and experienced veterans slaughtered their primitive opponents in what seemed more like sport than war. The threat of a Waagh! had been averted but as soon as the mercinaries left the Orcs came back as they always do.
Although mercinaries the Nipponese at least possessed at least some nobility, unlike the brutal bands of Ogre mercinaries roaming the region who preferred to bully, intimidate and steal for their living, taking neither sides nor prisoners. After a brief and profitable foray into raiding Dwarf gold caravans in the north the opportunistic Ogres tried their hand at setting up road blocks and extorting money from the hapless convoys using them. Enraged at the demand for money the Abbot Adnam answered this insult with a charge from his crusading knights but even the full force of his own righteous indignation was unable to drive a passage through the truculent ogres and the highly strung Bretonnians were forced into ignominious flight. Bored with this sport the ogres then took to raiding the Elven settlements around the Phoenix Tower, burning the women and raping the livestock. But the brutal ogres were not to have everything their own way, learning to their cost the perils of setting up encampment too close to forbidding woodland. Neither Beastmen nor Wood Elves take kindly to unasked for neighbours and although the Ogres protected their huge stash of stolen booty they choose to move on rather than face further reprisals.
During this time the introverted and isolationist Liches of the Tombs of Cairos faced repeated violations of their realm by greedy treasure hunters and curious interlopers. On finding ogres desecrating the sacred burial cairns the irate Liches raised an army of the undead and sent them packing. They also barred yet another inquisitive Lizardmen force from entering the tombs. What they sought in the dark subterranean depths remains a mystery. But they were less successful in repulsing a large treasure hunting expedition organised by Marquis’ Toulouse Le Plot, including an unaccountably large contingent of armed ’shepherds’. The grasping humans stole much gold and jewellery from the ancient mounds, Le Plot acquiring a new gold dinner set to impress guests with. Sadly the shepherds proved incompetent, forgetfully leaving their sheep in the haunted catacombs in their hurry to withdraw with their vast stash of loot. When news of this success escaped it sparked a sudden gold rush, with the ever acquisitive Dark Elves also deciding to help themselves to the priceless archaeological wonders of the ancient world.
As the summer progressed the flux of dark energies centred on the Border Princes increased steadily. The fabric of the material universe was becoming unaccountably thin and sorcerer’s began to worry about the threat of a rift in realspace even as they basked in the magical tempest. What could be causing this vortex of dark energy?
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