Thursday, September 27, 2007

The Alliances

The Dark Hordes

Armies: Beasts of Chaos, Hordes of Chaos, Skaven, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfs

The powerful warlocks of Chaos have heard Famine’s call. From the beasts of Achaes to the hordes that rules the Crippled Hills and beyond, the gods of Chaos have united their forces. So to have the Dark Elves who rule the coastline and the Skaven hordes who scuttle beneath the land. Of course petty rivalries will flare up, but all come together with one goal - the doom of civilised lands.

The Old Alliance

Armies: Empire, Dwarfs, Bretonnia

The men who have settled the Border Princes hold on to their villages and towns, determined to protect civilisation against the hordes. To the north, the Dwarfs keep dark forces at bay from their mountain realms. Men and Dwarfs must band together in these dark times, as they have done so many times before, and repel those that seek their destruction.

The Forces of Light

Races: High Elves, Lizardmen

These two forces know, above all else, that Chaos must not be allowed to rule the Border Princes and find a way to unleash the Avatar’s energies. The dark hordes must be kept back whilst the wiser races seek ways to contain or destroy Famine. This brings them into frequent clashes with men and Dwarfs, who do not understand or respect the magics of the land.

The Restless Dead

Races: Vampire Counts, Tomb Kings

Recently the unholy alliance between the Liche Priests and Vampire Counts has been quiet, content to wait whilst other forces fight and die - all the better to serve the Undead cause. The Tomb Kings controlling the barren wastes around Carmargh, can wait the 500 years until the Avatar of Famine rises again. But it is said the Vampire counts of Kendrenek are becoming impatient, and will soon ride out against their foes.


Races: Orcs & Goblins

The greenskins have no need for alliances. They have not heard any specific call to crush humanity and they do not have a desire for the powers of the Avatar. But they do know they have been stirred like never before. The Border Princes has never seen such a tide of green as is approaching, and they care not for who is in their way.

The Defenders of the Forest

Races: Wood Elves

Isolationist and angry, the Elves of the Caledonian Forest have been stirred in recent years. Forest spirits have multiplied, and the Elves have expanded the forest at an astonishing rate. Though they despise the dark hordes, they have no time for men either. They dream of nothing more than covering the Border Princes in trees.

Mercenary Forces

Races: Dogs of War, Ogre Kingdoms

Some armies care not for the power of the Avatar, and are not affected by the magics that flow through the lands. Mercenary forces fight for money, or sometimes the simple joy of fighting.


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